Reduced Shakespeare Company in The Complete History of Comedy (Abridged)
Friday, February 2, 2024 · 8:00 PM
Sponsored by Mary and Tom Hawkins
They’ve skewered history, the Bible, and the world’s most celebrated playwright. Now, the Reduced Shakespeare Company tackles the subject it was born to reduce. From the highbrow to the low, The Complete History of Comedy (Abridged) covers comedy through the ages. WARNING! Side effects may include uncontrollable milking and painful running gags.
CONTENT ADVISORY: In the spirit of Shakespeare’s comedies, RSC shows contain comic depictions of violence, mild innuendo, bawdy language, and the occasional rude word. All children (and parents) are different, so we’ve chosen to rate our shows PG-13: Pretty Good If You’re Thirteen.
Contact Us
Box Office
Lisa Smith Wengler Center for the Arts
24255 Pacific Coast Highway
Malibu, CA 90263
Open Tuesday through Friday, noon to 5 PM,
and two hours prior to most performances.